martes, 20 de junio de 2017

Lunes 26.. se empiezan a llevar los libros de la SEP a casa

Martes 27.. se van los libros de EDITORIAL y es nuestro ÚLTIMO DÍA DE CLASE

*En ambos días, las clases son normales*

Viernes 30.. entrega de EVALUACIÓN INDIVIDUAL a padres de familia
*Viernes 23... Se manda el libro "Student´s" a casa

*Lunes 26... se venderá el libro en el colegio en el patio grande del colegio
-NO ES OBLIGATORIO) si usted desea comprarlo nuevo, aumenta el costo del paquete de libros
-Solo los papas que deseen, se vende en $100 y se compra por la misma cantidad NO MÁS! A menos que entre ustedes se pongan de acuerdo
-Si llegan puntuales o un poco antes de la hora tendrán más tiempo de escoger los libros que están en mejor estado ya que solo será UNA HORA PARA LA COMPRA-VENTA
-Maestros y alumnos no podrán involucrarse en esta dinámica

cualquier duda, se pueden acercar conmigo :) 

viernes, 16 de junio de 2017

-Llevan el "Student Book" para realizar lectura de las pags. 330-336 "Time at school and at home"
-Esta será la lectura que registrarán en la gráfica


miércoles, 7 de junio de 2017

Mañana es el EXÁMEN DEL V BIM
*Les agradezco su apoyo para repasar en casa !!


martes, 30 de mayo de 2017

Examen V BIM (Unit 6)
Jueves 8 y Viernes 9

-Student book 302, 303, 312, 313
-Workbook 133, 134, 139, 140

-Student book 310, 311, 326, 327
-Workbook 137, 143

-Student book 314-323

-Numbers 0-100 (Letter & Number)

A partir de hoy se estarán llevando los libros para repasar en casa :)

lunes, 29 de mayo de 2017

Papis favor de ver este vídeo, ya que se comentará en la junta de entrega de calificaciones 
Martes 30 
-Entrega de calificaciones para las dos secciones "A" - "B" 
-7:15 am ser puntuales por favor!

martes, 23 de mayo de 2017

-No hay clase

-Empezará a las 4:00pm (hay que estar 30 min antes) ya cambiados para el baile
-Se les pide llevar una botella de agua DE PLÁSTICO marcada con el nombre para que cuando se la terminan, puedan tirarla "NO TERMOS"

-El primer número será de las niñas de la clase de Jazz
*Ellas llegarán vestidas para su baile y en una mochila llevarán su vestuario para el baile de su grupo
-Las misses les ayudaremos a cambiarse

-Los niños se entregarán por la parte del escenario (sección "A" de lado izquierdo, sección "B" de lado derecho frente al escenario... ahí estará marcado)

-El costo del boleto es de $15 ya pueden adquirirlos en oficina
*Todo el que ocupe lugar paga boleto!!!

jueves, 11 de mayo de 2017

lunes, 8 de mayo de 2017

Miércoles 10 Mayo no habrá clases
*Se les pide a todos los niños católicos asistir a la misa del Día de las Madres en punto de las 9:00 am en la iglesia de la Sagrada Familia con uniforme de gala 



martes, 2 de mayo de 2017

Mañana "Feria del Libro"
-Traer dinero
*Los libros varían de precio (Puede ser desde $50 hasta $300)

miércoles, 26 de abril de 2017

martes, 25 de abril de 2017

VIERNES "Festejo día del niño"

-Todos vestidos de ROSA c/mezclilla
-Venderán pizza en el desayuno
-Saldremos a las 9:30am al evento
*A los papis que participarán se les pide estar a las 10:00 en la casa de la cultura
-La salida será a la 1:00pm por motivo del CTE

-A las 7:00pm será el cine en el patio principal del colegio
-La pelicula es la de "Sing"
-Los boletos ya están en la oficina (costo $25)
Today in the school we celebrate the 
a) Do not throw garbage... No tirar basura
b) Save water... Ahorrar agua
c) Reduce... Reduce
d) Reuse... Reutiliza 
e) Recycle... Recicla


lunes, 24 de abril de 2017

Mañana celebraremos el Día de la tierra (aunque ya pasó) vendremos vestidos de blanco 

*Todo es dentro del horario de clase :)

martes, 4 de abril de 2017


7 al 24 de Abril VACACIONES!!!

-En vacaciones leeran este cuento... regresando a clases se les harán muuuuy simples preguntas acerca de lo que leyerón...


Once upon a time as a merchant set off for market, he asked each of his three daughters what she would like as a present on his return. The first daughter wanted a brocade dress, the second a pearl necklace, but the third, whose name was Beauty, the youngest, prettiest and sweetest of them all, said to her father:

"All I would like is a rose you have picked specially for me!"

When the merchant had finished his business, he set off for home. However, a sudden storm blew up, and his horse could hardly make headway in the howling gale. Cold and weary, the merchant had lost all hope of reaching an inn when he suddenly noticed a bright light shining in the middle of a wood. As he drew near, he saw that it was a castle, bathed in light. 

"I hope I will find shelter there for the night," he said to himself. When he reached the door, he saw it was open, but though he shouted, nobody came to greet him. Plucking up courage, he went inside, still calling out to attract attention. On a table in the main hall, a splendid dinner lay already served. The merchant lingered, still shouting for the owner of the castle. But no one came, and so the starving merchant sat down to a hearty meal. 

Overcome by curiosity, he ventured upstairs, where the corridor led into magnificent rooms and halls. A fire crackled in the first room and a soft bed looked very inviting. It was now late, and the merchant could not resist. He lay down on the bed and fell fast asleep. When he woke next morning, an unknown hand had placed a mug of steaming coffee and some fruit by his bedside. 

The merchant had breakfast and after tidying himself up, went downstairs to thank his generous host. But, as on the evening before, there was nobody in sight. Shaking his head in wonder at the strangeness of it all, he went towards the garden where he had left his horse, tethered to a tree. Suddenly, a large rose bush caught his eye. 

Remembering his promise to Beauty, he bent down to pick a rose. Instantly, out of the rose garden, sprang a horrible beast, wearing splendid clothes. Two bloodshot eyes, gleaming angrily, glared at him and a deep, terrifying voice growled: "Ungrateful man! I gave you shelter, you ate at my table and slept in my own bed, but now all the thanks I get is the theft of my favorite flowers! I shall put you to death for this slight!" Trembling with fear, the merchant fell on his knees before the Beast

"Forgive me! Forgive me! Don't kill me! I will do anything you say! The rose wasn't for me, it was for my daughter Beauty. I promised to bring her back a rose from my journey!" The Beast dropped the paw it had clamped on the unhappy merchant. 

"I shall spare your life, but on one condition, that you bring me your daughter!" The terror-stricken merchant, faced with certain death if he did not obey, promised that he would do so. When he reached home in tears, his three daughters ran to greet him. After he had told them of his dreadful adventure, Beauty put his mind at rest immediately. 

"Dear father, I would do anything for you! Do not worry, you will be able to keep your promise and save your life! Take me to the castle. I will stay there in your place!" The merchant hugged his daughter. 

"I never did doubt your love for me. For the moment I can only thank you for saving my life." So Beauty was led to the castle. The Beast, however, had quite an unexpected greeting for the girl. Instead of menacing doom as it had done with her father, it was surprisingly pleasant. 

In the beginning, Beauty was frightened of the Beast, and shuddered at the sight of it. Then she found that, in spite of the monster's awful head, her horror of it was gradually fading as time went by. She had one of the finest rooms in the Castle, and sat for hours, embroidering in front of the fire. And the Beast would sit, for hours on end, only a short distance away, silently gazing at her. Then it started to say a few kind words, till in the end, Beauty was amazed to discover that she was actually enjoying its conversation. The days passed, and Beauty and the Beast became good friends. Then one day, the Beast asked the girl to be his wife. 

Taken by surprise, Beauty did not know what to say. Marry such an ugly monster? She would rather die! But she did not want to hurt the feelings of one who, after all, had been kind to her. And she remembered too that she owed it her own life as well as her father's. 

"I really can not say yes," she began shakily. "I had so much like to..." The Beast interrupted her with an abrupt gesture. 

"I quite understand! And I am not offended by your refusal!" Life went on as usual, and nothing further was said. One day, the Beast presented Beauty with a magnificent magic mirror. When Beauty peeped into it, she could see her family, far away. 

"You won't feel so lonely now," were the words that accompanied the gift. Beauty stared for hours at her distant family. Then she began to feel worried. One day, the Beast found her weeping beside the magic mirror. 

"What's wrong?" he asked, kindly as always. 

"My father is gravely ill and close to dying! Oh, how I wish I could see him again, before it's too late!" But the Beast only shook its head. 

"No! You will never leave this castle!" And off it stalked in a rage. However, a little later, it returned and spoke solemnly to the girl. 

"If you swear that you will return here in seven days time, I will let you go and visit your father!" Beauty threw herself at the Beast's feet in delight. 

"I swear! I swear I will! How kind you are! You have made a loving daughter so happy!" In reality, the merchant had fallen ill from a broken heart at knowing his daughter was being kept prisoner. When he embraced her again, he was soon on the road to recovery. Beauty stayed beside him for hours on end, describing her life at the Castle, and explaining that the Beast was really 
good and kind. The days flashed past, and at last the merchant was able to leave his bed. He was completely well again. Beauty was happy at last. However, she had failed to notice that seven days had gone by. 

Then one night she woke from a terrible nightmare. She had dreamt that the Beast was dying and calling for her, twisting in agony. 

"Come back! Come back to me!" it was pleading. The solemn promise she had made drove her to leave home immediately. 

"Hurry! Hurry, good horse!" she said, whipping her steed onwards towards the castle, afraid that she might arrive too late. She rushed up the stairs, calling, but there was no reply. Her heart in her mouth, Beauty ran into the garden and there crouched the Beast, its eyes shut, as though dead. Beauty threw herself at it and hugged it tightly. 

"Do not die! Do not die! I'll marry you . . ." At these words, a miracle took place. The Beast is ugly snout turned magically into the face of a handsome young man. 

"How I have been longing for this moment!" he said. "I was suffering in silence, and could not tell my frightful secret. An evil witch turned me into a monster and only the love of a maiden willing to accept me as I was, could transform me back into my real self. My dearest! I will be so happy if you will marry me." 

The wedding took place shortly after and, from that day on, the young Prince would have nothing but roses in his gardens. And that's why, to this day, the castle is known as the Castle of the Rose.

El viernes 7 será nuestro último día de clases, ese día salimos de vacaciones, pero también celebraremos la "PASCUA"

Se les pide a los alumnos ir con:
-Pantalón de mezclilla
-Camisa o blusa blanca (si no tienen, la del colegio)
-Orejas de conejo

-Pintarse la cara de conejitos (dientes, bigotes)
-Llevar traje de conejo (si es que lo tienen)

También se le pide a cada alumno
-Llevar 2 cascarones de huevo ya pintados SIN NADA ADENTRO! 
-O pueden ser cascarones de plástico
-1 dulce (chicle, paleta, mazapan, etc.)

*Los huevos no se romperán, así que USEN SU CREATIVIDAD :)

En horario de clase, se esconderán los huevos y los dulces en el patio, y los alumnos saldrán a buscar... A los que junten más huevitos,se les dará un premio entrando de vacaciones 

lunes, 3 de abril de 2017

FIRMAR EXAMEN donde dice "Parent´s signature" y regresar MAÑANA SIN FALTA!!!

jueves, 30 de marzo de 2017

Viernes 31 CTE (no hay clases)

Here is a video about grammar "Adverbs of Manner" in order you can understand it better :)

viernes, 24 de marzo de 2017

el colegio se encarga del traslado, será en horario de clases!
Llevan el libro para estudiar las pags. que ya les había mencionado en la publicación anterior

el exámen es el MIÉRCOLES 29 y JUEVES 30 :)

miércoles, 22 de marzo de 2017

Los alumnos finalistas:

-Llegan a la hora de entrada normal
-Irán con el uniforme de gala
-Se les pide ya ir desayunados ya que su recreo es a las 9:30 y tendrán tiempo de hacerlo después de la competencia o si no lo quieren así, también pueden llevar su desayuno
-El resto del grupo, estará presente en la competencia como audiencia
Exámen IV Bimestre
*Miércoles 29 y Jueves 30
*Se les pide no faltar esos días porfavor!

*En esta ocasión serán 25 preguntas
pags. 242-243, 256-257, 274-275
pags. 254-255, 272-273
.Reading "Sue the Tadpole" pags. 259-271

*Se estarán llevando libros y libreta para estudiar/repasar en casa :)

A los papas de los alumnos finalistas se les hace la invitación para estar en el Concurso "Spelling Bee" el viernes 24 a las 8:30am en el patio grande del colegio

viernes, 17 de marzo de 2017

Lunes 20 no hay clases

Martes 21 vestidos de colores llamativos o de flores o animales por la primavera :)

Buen día papas
Se llego el día de la gran final dentro del salón. Les vuelvo a repetir que fue algo súper difícil ya que todos los alumnos hicierón un excelente trabajo.

*Los papas de estos alumnos, podrán estar presentes en la competencia
*Estos 6 alumnos están exentos y no presentarán exámen del IV Bimestre, esto gracias a su esfuerzo y dedicación

-Oscar Bernal
-Juan Carlos Ramírez
-Sebastian Balderas

-Ashley Hernández
-Dayra Mora
-Jorge Picaso


miércoles, 15 de marzo de 2017


Esta es una pequeña explicación de lo que es el "Día de San Patricio" para que lo entiendan mejor :)

lunes, 13 de marzo de 2017

Viernes 17 "Día de Perros"

*Los perritos llegan al colegio junto con el alumno
*La hora de salida de los perritos es a las 10:00am
*Los perritos van disfrazados

Como ya es costumbre en el colegio, el Miércoles 15 celebraremos el "Día de San Patricio (St. Patrick´s Day) el día original es el 17 pero se adelantó la fecha ya que ese día tendremos otra actividad

La idea es que los niños lleven una manualidad hecha por ellos con ayuda de ustedes como las siguientes:

viernes, 10 de marzo de 2017

Como ya se los había comentado, el día de ayer se llevo a cabo la eliminatoria donde se escogieron a los alumnos que pasarán a la siguiente ronda

Quiero que sepan que fue algo muy difícil, la competencia estuvo muy reñida y de verdad, TODOS hicierón un excelente trabajo, solo que a algunos les ganarón los nervios y eso les perjudico un poquito en decir la pronunciación correcta o tardarse más del tiempo debido

También quiero informarles que los 3 alumnos que queden en la final, estarán EXENTOS EN EL IV BIM esto, gracias a su esfuerzo! 

A continuación les presento a los alumnos:

1. Ximena Romero
2. Oscar Bernal
3. Ricardo López
4. Rosalinda Martínez
5. Romina Valles
6. Tania Rodríguez
7. Juan Carlos Ramírez
8. Natalia Yañez
9. Valeria Casillas
10. Renata Márquez
11. Grecia Vargas

1. Manola Vargas
2. Ashley Hernández
3. Stephanie Navarro
4. Jorge Picaso
5. Camila Torres
6. Mia Ávila
7. Emiliano Ortíz
8. Kemel Rodríguez
9. Kaery Ramírez
10. Maria Fernanda Cardenas
11. Dayra Mora

*En ambas secciones hubo un empate, por eso hay un alumno de más)


miércoles, 8 de marzo de 2017

Mañana "Pase a la siguiente ronda" donde solo quedarán 10 alumnos de cada sección 

De antemano les agradezco el apoyo brindado 

lunes, 6 de marzo de 2017

Jueves 9
*Se hará mención de los 10 alumnos que pasarán a la SIGUIENTE RONDA 

Martes 14 
*Se hará mención de los 5 alumnos que pasarán a la SEMI-FINAL

Viernes 17
*Se hará mención de los 3 alumnos que pasarán a la FINAL


A los papas de los 3 finalistas, se les hace la invitación para asistir a la "Gran Final" el Viernes 24

martes, 28 de febrero de 2017


*Esta es la lista de las palabras que vendrán en el concurso
*De todas estas palabras, solo dirán 5
*Les pido de favor que me ayuden practicando en casa
*La final es el 24 de Marzo :)

1. Sing
2. Wash
3. Clean
4. Give
5. Feel
6. Parents
7. Children
8. Yellow
9. House
10. Swim
11. Year
12. Funny
13. People
14. Left
15. Tree
16. Cry
17. Lunch
18. Place
19. Idea
20. Pool
21. Stay
22. Eight
23. Nine
24. Time
25. Waffle
26. Special
27. Family
28. Sun
29. Rose
30. Bone