martes, 31 de enero de 2017

jueves, 26 de enero de 2017

Homework January 26th

.Viernes 27 CTE (no clases)

.Llevan la libreta para hacer lo sig:
*Márgenes (mínimo 20)

-Choose the verb that better complete each sentence in "Simple Past Tense" 
-Add "ed" at the end of the verb

  • Travel        
  • Use
  • Walk
  • Play
  • Cook
  • Laugh
  • Need
  • Listen
  • Learn
  • Want

1. I _____ in the recess with my friends.
2. Susan _____ to Cancún last year.
3. They _____ to music.
4. You _____ the computer.
5. He _____ to the school on Monday.
6. Mom _____ dinner on Christmas.
7. Students _____ numbers.
8. I _____ at Martin´s joke.
9. She _____ to take a nap.
10. We _____ to eat every day. 

miércoles, 18 de enero de 2017

Unit 4 is about "PAST & PRESENT"
-So, we are going to check some videos and games about it

Copy and answer in your notebook

1. Which one do you like the most?
2. Can you imagine travel in one of these? R= _____ Why? _________
3. How can we call the car in 1886?
4. "Jet propulsion" is used for ___?
5. Which one do you think it´s the most difficult way to transport? 

jueves, 12 de enero de 2017

Viernes 13 "DÍA DEL JUGUETE"
*Se les pide que no traigan nada electrónico (con pilas) ni pistolas
*Se pueden cuerdas, juegos de mesa, barbies, carros, etc.