jueves, 26 de enero de 2017

Homework January 26th

.Viernes 27 CTE (no clases)

.Llevan la libreta para hacer lo sig:
*Márgenes (mínimo 20)

-Choose the verb that better complete each sentence in "Simple Past Tense" 
-Add "ed" at the end of the verb

  • Travel        
  • Use
  • Walk
  • Play
  • Cook
  • Laugh
  • Need
  • Listen
  • Learn
  • Want

1. I _____ in the recess with my friends.
2. Susan _____ to Cancún last year.
3. They _____ to music.
4. You _____ the computer.
5. He _____ to the school on Monday.
6. Mom _____ dinner on Christmas.
7. Students _____ numbers.
8. I _____ at Martin´s joke.
9. She _____ to take a nap.
10. We _____ to eat every day. 

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